How are you 4?! For every tear I cry over how quickly time passes us by, there's a happy tear right behind it for the excitement I feel for the next day & the upcoming years... How many memories we'll make & how I know every day from here on out has purpose bc you're in it! Your mommy & daddy are so proud of the kind, smart, confident, beautiful little ladies you are.
Just a few ways you're growing up as we've hit FOUR:
- Dressing yourselves completely - Kara Rose, you often say to me, "Mommy, please leave the room while we change, so we can introduce ourselves when we're all ready." (You slowly walk out like a princess or tip-toe out like a ballerina and we "Ooooo" and "Aaaahhhh" over the very creative nicely put right? choices you've made)
- Cleaning up your room - Zoe, you specifically love to make your room look like 'artwork' rearranging your toys & animals every night before bed so it looks just right... You actually consider it punishment if we tell you it's too late to do your room.
- Letting the dog in & out and help feed him.
- Getting your own silverware out of the drawer - again, Zo, you love to set the table for everyone & make it look pretty (seeing a pattern)?
- Basically don't want me to help you do anything, washing you in the bath (insert the Scrubba Dubba Dance), brushing your teeth (although I must), picking out any part of your outfit at any point (pjs, play clothes, church & school clothes)
Current favorites: Color purple, all fruit, animals, playing soccer, break-dancing, reading, mommy cuddles, watching TV/movies, telling your sister what to do.
Kara Rose: Your kind, nurturing heart - you love to make sure everyone is cared for & cry if you think you hurt someone's feelings or accidentally hurt your sister. However, you're so smart that you also love to correct people (even adults) and you take the leadership role in every scenario, but you're already the kind of leader I want to be because every time someone needs to step up & be the bigger person, it's always you. You already have incredible work ethic & are extremely tenacious. You tell me you love me SO MOOOUUCH every chance you get and promise no matter how grown up you get, you'll always be my angel. I pray you always remember that taking the high road & being kind is the best way to live life, even though it's a tough path, my sensitive one.
Current favorites: Color pink, taking pictures, flowers & butterflies, ballet, drawing, taking care of baby dolls, your sister.

Zoe: You're so wild & rough, yet you want to know just the right way to hold and care for your baby dolls. You're so hard on yourself & get mad if you don't get something right the first time. You hold my face in your hands and tell me I'm beautiful. Every night in bed, you whisper secrets in my ear and usually you say "I will always love you." or "You are God's little princess." You live life with abandon, my nature-loving, free-spirit - I pray that you hold onto every ounce of it.
Most of all, you're truly best friends and love each other and everyone around you. I think you've got the "Love God & love your neighbor" thing down - don't lose it, it's a tough world out there. You both already know that God loves you & Jesus is your best friend - that's all you need to remember... and that Mommy loves you bigger than the whole world.
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