
Friday, September 16, 2016

10 Things I Want You to Know that I Can't Teach You

The things I want to teach them during these years I've been given to raise them are countless. I actually have a pretty extensive list, but... priorities... and they're 3 (almost 4 but I don't want to hear that) and if I tried to write it all down, I'd never hit publish! So here are just 10 I'd like to focus on now, because it's just never too early to raise them in truth. These crucial things, I can't teach them - knowledge that will only come as a result of life experiences, creating a faith community around them, and doing my best to be their example. I won't always do it right, but this is my hope and prayer...

My precious girls, please know that:

* You are perfect and loved, not because of anything you've done, but because you were made that way.

* You can't control how people treat you, but you can control how you react to it. 

* You are amazing! There is no one like you. No one!

* True happiness is found in love - giving & receiving love, not things. Although, love can hurt, things will leave you empty.

* Bravery doesn't mean doing something scary - it means standing up for yourself & for others.  Listening to your own voice over your peers and doing what you feel is right, for you.

* Failure is nothing to fear. If you let it, failure can show you how resilient you are and give you the chance to star in your very own comeback story.

* Being happy or not is up to you.

* If you're going to take a big risk and bet on anything, bet on yourself.

* Your identity isn't found in anyone or anything - through Christ, alone, you have been made whole.

* I love you.  You don't have to do anything to deserve it - I just do, with all my heart.

1 comment:

  1. You've shown our girls how to love, be kind, and be strong. They are comfortable being themselves and will become beautiful, confident girls/women because of your guidance and unwavering example.

    - Your husband



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